“When we try to pick out anything
by itself,
we find it hitched to
everything else in the universe.”
John Muir
“When we try to pick out anything
by itself,
we find it hitched to
everything else in the universe.”
John Muir
Subway platform - BEFORE
One of my goals for this year is to become comfortable with both Photoshop and Illustrator, so I hope to have many more posts like this - with much improved technique - as the months roll by. I was struck by the LOVELY rust on the subway platform today, and snapped a pic about five seconds before my phone died. (Poor thing.) So I've spent some time playing with the palette and composition in Photoshop.
Subway platform - AFTER # 1
I think this is strong, but hard to digest in areas. Does your eye rest? Does it have a clear journey, or just bounce around? This is a good start, but it's not making a clear statement.
Subway platform - AFTER #2
Ahhhh... Am I right? This is digestible, but not boring. The overlays give structure, without eliminating the textures we had before, which allows it to keep the depth. I would use this palette for housewares (soup bowls!) or as a pillow case design.
This is a second day of images from Jordan Pond in Acadia National Park. I love the abstract lines in water, especially the 3rd and 5th here. Reminds me of a photographer's work I saw while traveling in January, who had shot reeds and their reflections in a way that made them look Kalder-esque. Amazing!
Remember this guy? YEAH, me too! I took some time yesterday to work through the image, resulting in the painting you find below :)