Summer Vacation XXXX
Summer Vacation XXXIX
Summer Vacation XXIX
Summer Vacation XXVIII
Summer Vacation XXVII
Summer Vacation XXVI
Summer Vacation XXV
Summer Vacation XXIV
I hope you can click through on your screen to see a large version of this.
Summer Vacation XXIII
Summer Vacation XXII
I promise I'll try to finish posting these by fall :)
Summer Vacation XXI
Summer Vacation XX
Summer Vacation XIX
We've made it to day 5 of a 9 day trip - and behold, the light has decided to improve. I like the images a lot more from here on out.
What's that? Are those people digging up mussels at 5 in the morning? Why yes, yes indeed.
Summer Vacation XI
Summer Vacation X
Davidson-Arabia Nature Preserve X
Davidson-Arabia Nature Preserve V
Davidson-Arabia Nature Preserve II
Davidson-Arabia Nature Preserve
You absolutely MUST go here.
I would like to paint my house from this palette: bright spring green, cool coral, all tones of neutral grey blues, darker muted forest green...
We got so lucky with the leftover rain puddles.
You can see hints of it here, but just wait - these cool reds and cool and warm greens are absolutely killer.