“When our heart is open
Everything we do becomes love”
Mimi Novic
“When our heart is open
Everything we do becomes love”
Mimi Novic
“Through the help of a number of guides
over a number of years,
I begin to see a new way to be, one rooted in the enduring truth:
There’s nothing to prove.”
Rob Bell
I absolutely love this image and couldn’t begin to tell you why - not just the color, the repeating stripes, the empty fields of grey to balance more active streaks of bright… it’s something more.
“The only thing we can do is
learn from our falls.”
Ai Weiwei
This was my pity sunset stop - I wanted good light and the first option was completely blocked by woods. While this is lovely, the clouds still obscure what you can tell, by looking really heard, would have been some great shades of peachy-pink.
These are from early July, maybe the weekend of the fourth? Finally finished with June's photos :)