Those of you mentally walking alongside me know that I've skipped forward - don't worry. We'll circle back for a short series by the lake.
Back to the Woods VI
Back to the Woods V
Back to the Woods IV
Back to the Woods III
Back to the Woods II
Curious about these images? Scroll down for the spoilers.
Seem similar? You're right! These images were all made from the same initial image, which was copied and flipped, then combined in different ways. The third was a surprise - that processing method almost never works for me, so I'm pleased it came out and intrigued by the composition and pattern. Overall, though, I think the first is the most successful.
Back to the Woods
Arizona X
A last bit of Arizona here, before we move back to Connecticut. Once I get permission, look forward to posting the Antelope Canyon shots as well!
Arizona IX
The sun's nearly set - on to some night photography tomorrow!
Arizona VIII
Arizona VII
We kept trying to leave the area, and we kept getting sidetracked by sweeping vistas and the light - as we approach golden hour, I get weaker and weaker and just have to stop to take a look :)
Arizona VI
Final images from Horseshoe Bend today, but look for more Arizona landscapes tomorrow!
Arizona V: Panoramas!
My thanks to the fine folks at for making free software to let me stitch these 9 photos into two beautiful panos. Hope you can see how terrifying these precarious heights were!
Arizona IV
Check out Horseshoe Bend :)
Arizona III
Arizona II
Desert Highway III
Desert Highway II
These were all taken in northern Arizona, with exposure times of several seconds - I think I topped out at 20 seconds for a few in this series.
The whimsical patterns and shapes are my favorite. Little fairies frolicking through the desert :)